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Futoku no Guild (Guild of Depravity / Immoral Guild) English Subtitles

 Futoku no Guild (Guild of Depravity / Immoral Guild)

Series Info:

Released: 05 Oct 2022
Runtime: N/A
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Director: N/A
Actors: N/A
Country: Japan
Rating: N/A


The story follows the skilled hunter Kikuru Madan, who has decided to retire out of fear of wasting his youth. One day, a guild staff member suggests that he go on a quest with a new female martial artist named Hitamu Kyan.

Nov 03, 2022 04:42:33 Lilith69Eve English 21

Release Name:

Futoku no Guild (Uncensored) - 05

Release Info:

Credits to [Anime Time] 
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Nov 02, 2022 20:55:14 32.67KB Download

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