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Stranger 2 (Secret Forest 2 / Forest of Secrets 2 / Bimilui Soop 2 / 비밀의 숲2) Arabic Subtitles

 Stranger 2 (Secret Forest 2 / Forest of Secrets 2 / Bimilui Soop 2 / 비밀의 숲2)

Series Info:

Released: 10 Jun 2017
Runtime: 60 min
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: N/A
Actors: Seung-woo Cho, Doona Bae, Joon-hyuk Lee, Jae-myung Yoo
Country: South Korea
Rating: 8.6


With the help of a gutsy female detective, a prosecutor who has lost the ability to feel empathy tackles a murder case amid political corruption.

Sep 17, 2020 17:48:09 NARISI Arabic 94

Release Name:

비밀의 숲2 E09.200912.720p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC-Deresisi

Release Info: 
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Sep 17, 2020 12:22:54 94.85KB Download

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